Saturday, October 31, 2009

Keema kaleji


Mutton mince (keema) 400 grams
Mutton liver 200 grams
Turmeric powder 1 teaspoon
Oil 3 tablespoons
Cumin seeds 1 teaspoon
Onions, chopped 2 medium
Ginger paste 1 tablespoon
Garlic paste 1 tablespoon
Green chillies, chopped 3-4
Coriander powder 2 teaspoons
Red chilli powder 1 teaspoon
Tomatoes, chopped 4 medium
Rock salt (sendha namak) 1/2 teaspoon
Salt to taste
Fresh coriander leaves, chopped 2 tablespoons


Clean, wash and boil the liver in water to which one-teaspoon turmeric powder has been added. Cook for five minutes. Drain excess water and dice into half inch pieces when a little cold. Heat oil in a thick-bottomed pan and add cumin seeds, cook till cumin seeds change their colour slightly. Add onions and sauté till golden brown, stir constantly. Add ginger and garlic pastes and green chillies. Cook for half a minute on medium heat. Add mince and cook on high heat till mince is nicely browned. Add coriander powder, remaining turmeric powder, red chilli powder and cook on medium heat to roast spices nicely. Add one cup of water and simmer stirring occasionally for fifteen minutes or till mince is almost cooked. Add tomatoes and cook till oil leaves the masala. Add liver pieces and one cup of water, bring it to a boil, reduce heat and simmer for fifteen to twenty minutes or till mince and liver are fully cooked. Add rock salt, salt and some of the coriander leaves. Cook for three to four minutes. Serve hot garnished with the remaining coriander leaves.


This is a dry dish with hardly any gravy. The gravy for this dish is in the form of thick masala.

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