Saturday, January 16, 2010

Sauted Bhutta Platter

A perfect winter evening snack...

1 corn/bhutta, boiled
1½ cup of chopped carrots and peas, par boiled with a little salt
1 tablespoon of butter
1¼ teaspoon of pepper powder
2 flakes of garlic, grated fine
1½ cup of grated Mozzarella cheese
1½ cup of shredded cabbage leaves
1 tablespoon of fresh parsley, chopped fine(optional)
2 tablespoons of mayonnaise
Salt to taste


Clean the corn off the cob and set aside with the parboiled vegetables. In a shallow pan, put in the butter and allow it to melt. Then, fry the grated garlic to a light brown color. Add the corn and boiled carrots and peas and saute in the butter with pepper powder and salt to taste. Cover the pan and allow the corn, carrots and peas to steam in their own juices for about a minute or two. Place the sauted vegetable base in a snack platter. Sprinkle the grated Mozzarella cheese and place the platter in the microwave for a minute or two, till the cheese melts onto the sauted vegetables. Toss the shredded cabbage leaves and chopped fresh parsley in the mayonnaise and place all around the sauted vegetables.

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