Sunday, November 14, 2010

German Breakfast-Roasted potatoes with egg


4-5 boiled jacket potatos
3 eggs
1 onion
3-4 tblsp butter


Boil and peel the potatoes .
Cut round thick slices and keep them in the fridge for an hour.This makes them a bit solid and they wont turn into paste while roasting :)

Now heat the butter, and add in the cold potatoes, let them roast first from one side then turn them over let it roast, keep turning now and then.

Sprinkle the fine cubed onions , let all roast together till all is good golden brown.

Break 3-4 eggs directly on it and just mix a bit,

its actually made with a half fried egg where the yolk is totally undone but as i cant stand it, i mix max it :)
We add spinach in it too at the last but its according to ur taste, i like it with out spinach in the morning :)

So here you are , eat it with buns or brown bread or alone ,its tasty and filling!!!

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