Sunday, September 13, 2009

Dahi bhendi

INGREDIENTS : 2 cups chopped fresh okra , 1 small onion (chopped) , 1 small tomato (chopped) , 3 cloves of garlic ( chopped) , 4 to 5 green chillis ( chopped) , 1 cup yogurt , pinch of turmuric , salt ,3 tbs oil , 1tsp cumin seeds and musturd seeds , curry leaves , cilantro

1/2 tsp garam masala powder ( optional)


.Wash,dry and slice okra
.Heat 1 tbs oil in a tawa add okra pieces , and fry them on medium low flame for 10 to 15 min

.Heat oil in another pan add cumin seeds, musturd seeds , curry leaves and garlic , fry them for 1 min then add chopped onions and sprinkle salt and turmuric ,sautee them for 5 min

.Now add chopped tomatoes and green chillis , cook on medium flame until tomatoes are cooked

.Add shallow fried okra pieces in to tomato and onion mixture , mix well and add yogurt

.Cook for 5 min on low flame

.Sprinkle cilantro

.serve hot with roti .

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